Company Profile
Bank of England

Presenting Speakers

  • Lewis Webber
    Head of Reg Tech & Data Innovation, Authorisations, RegTech and International Supervision

About the Company

One of our main jobs is to make sure you can pay for things easily and securely in the UK. So we produce banknotes (cash) and oversee many of the other payment systems you use (eg with a debit or credit card).

We also work to keep the cost of living stable so your money keeps its purchasing power. One way we do this is by changing the main interest rate in the UK.

And we regulate UK banks and other financial firms so you know they are safe and sound.

We keep the whole UK financial system stable

People need a stable financial system and it’s our job to make sure the UK has one.

A financial system connects people who want to save, invest or borrow money. It’s a vital part of our economy.

We keep the UK’s financial system stable by keeping a close watch on any risks and taking action, if we need to.

For example, we can lend to banks if they need it to ensure they can continue to lend to businesses and support the economy. And we make sure that a failing bank doesn’t cause problems for the depositors, UK taxpayers or the wider economy.