Company Profile

Presenting Speakers

  • David Berry
    Market Data Exchange Commissions Global Sourcing

About the Company

The Information Providers User Group (IPUG) is a non-profit organisation, established in 1989  to represent the current and future interests of its member firms. It is now the principal organisation in the UK representing users of Market Data services on a technical, administrative and strategic level.

IPUG has developed strong working relationships with the major real-time information service vendors including Bloomberg, Refinitiv, Capital IQ and FactSet; the benchmark suppliers FTSE, MSCI and S&P, and pricing and fundamental service providers such as Interactive Data and Markit.  IPUG acts on behalf of its membership to focus these suppliers on generic issues affecting all users. IPUG is recognised by these vendors as the users’ legitimate voice, and is often consulted and asked to contribute to supplier policy decisions which affect the membership.  These relationships often provide IPUG members with the opportunity to see new product developments up to 6 months in advance of market launch.

Members meet principally in locations around the City of London and Canary Wharf. New sister IPUG groups have also been formed to cater for market data professionals and reference data professionals in Edinburgh, Asia (Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore and Sydney), and across Europe.

In line with its commitment to represent new industry trends, IPUG continually seeks to monitor the technology and business process developments which affect the industry within the City, Europe and Asia.